October 16-17, 2024

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Two-Day Remote Work Summit

Tulsa Remote invites you to get plugged in with remote work experts to ​improve your remote work skills, better manage remote teams, and learn ​how to benefit from the growing remote talent in Tulsa. connect with ​other remote workers in Tulsa and experts in remote work, aLl While ​getting your work done between sessions at our pop-up coworking space.

October 16-17 @ Living Arts OF TULSA

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Learn From Experts

Improve Remote Work Skills

make Connections

Get Plugged In


White background

Engaging Sessions

interactive workshops

Pop-Up Coworking space

networking opportunities

Catered breakfast

Catered lunch

Wrap-Up Happy Hour

And More!



Future of Work Expert

Associate Professor

Harvard Business School




President & CEO





Virtual Work Insider



Best-Selling Author

"How the Future Works"



Gen Z Talent Strategist




Distribute Consulting




Builders + Backers



Managing Director

Tulsa Remote





Head of The Work Innovation Lab



Quit Commuting







Non-Resident Senior Fellow

MIT Future Urban Collective Lab

President & CEO

Tulsa Regional Chamber

Lead Facilitator

Executive Offsites



9 AM

DOORS OPEN - Check-in and Networking Breakfast

Arrive early to grab breakfast, connect with other remote workers, find a spot to work and ​get a seat for the first session!

KEYNOTE: The Future of Work and Community

Insights from Tulsa Remote

Speaker: Raj Choudhury

Raj Choudhury, a leading expert on the future of work and remote work dynamics, will kick off the Plugged ​In Summit with a keynote exploring the groundbreaking research behind Tulsa Remote and its broader ​implications for work and community development. He’ll discuss the role of remote work in reshaping cities, ​the success of Tulsa Remote as a case study in attracting top talent, and why initiatives like the Plugged In ​Summit are critical to fostering connection and innovation in the future of work. Attendees will gain a ​deeper understanding of how remote work can drive both individual and community growth, and what ​cities, businesses, and workers can learn from Tulsa's unique experience.



Speaker: Greg Lindsay

Welcome to the era of the Nomadic City: places that are magnets for migratory tech and ​innovation talent, many of whom have packed their bags and left Superstar Cities in search of ​more life balance. This means cities need to innovate on placemaking and economic ​development strategies to not only attract - but keep - residents. Communities are seeing the ​opportunities and tensions created by this great talent migration. What's the new playbook for ​livable, lovable, prosperous cities in this new era?

The Nomadic City: The New Playbook for Liveable, ​Loveable, Prosperous Cities



THE TUlsa Idea Challenge Experiment: The Role of

Migrants in shaping entrepreneurial ventures

Speakers: Kathleen Hale & Raj Choudhury

Join leading economist Raj Choudhury and entrepreneur Kathleen Hale as they explore the ​results of the Tulsa Idea Challenge, an experiment that paired Tulsa Remote members with local ​Tulsans to develop new business ideas. Drawing from Raj’s research on "Bounded Solidarity" ​and Kathleen’s experience helping early-stage entrepreneurs, this session will reveal how ​collaboration across diverse backgrounds can fuel innovation and entrepreneurship. Learn how ​local and remote talent can unite to create transformative ventures and drive economic growth.



12 PM

We’ll have catered lunch available for all attendees. Take a break and grab some lunch ​while you connect with other remote workers and work in our pop-up coworking space.

Lunch and Coworking

INTERACTIVE SESSION: Trust-Building Connection

Led by Kendall Wallace

Come back from the lunch break with a bang, shake off that food coma and get re-energized with some ​interactive activities in order to meet other attendees and learn how to build trust quickly on your remote ​teams. Walk away with insights or icebreaker skills that can help you connect with your remote team ​quickly in a non-superficial way, but one that forwards team alignment.



Plugging Into Tulsa: How Remote Work is Shaping

Local Economies and Opportunities

Speakers: Justin Harlan, Mike Neal, Garry Clark

In this discussion, Justin Harlan, Managing Director of Tulsa Remote, Mike Neal, President and CEO of ​the Tulsa Chamber, and Garry Clark, the CEO of PartnerTulsa, will explore how the rise of remote work ​is transforming local economies and creating new opportunities for cities like Tulsa. They’ll dive into ​the economic impact of remote work, how communities can attract and retain top talent, and what ​role public-private partnerships play in fostering innovation and growth. Attendees will gain insights ​into how Tulsa is positioning itself as a leading hub for remote work and learn strategies to leverage ​these changes to benefit both businesses and the community. Whether you're a remote worker, ​manager, or local leader, this session will provide valuable perspectives on the future of work and ​economic development.

2 PM

The Four Phases of Finding/Landing Remote Jobs

Speaker: Libryia Jones

In this session, remote work expert Libryia Jones will guide you through a practical, step-by-step ​approach to successfully finding and landing remote job opportunities. Covering the entire job search ​journey—from understanding what remote employers are looking for, to tailoring your resume, to ​acing virtual interviews—Libryia will share insights, strategies, and tips that have helped countless ​professionals secure remote roles. Whether you're new to remote work or looking to refine your job ​search, this session will equip you with the tools to thrive in the competitive remote job market.

3 PM

4 PM

Wrap up the day with us!

Closing Remarks


9 AM

DOORS OPEN - Check-in and Networking Breakfast

Arrive early to grab breakfast, connect with other remote workers, find a spot to ​work and get a seat for the first session!

Cracking the Collaboration Code: 5 Research-Backed ​Strategies to Drive Better Collaboration

Speaker: Rebecca Hinds

Rebecca Hinds, Head of Asana's Work Innovation Lab, will unveil the latest findings from Asana's ​"collaborative intelligence" research, which studied thousands of organizations to unlock the secrets of ​effective teamwork. This session dives into five research-backed strategies that leaders can implement ​to turn dysfunctional collaboration into high-performance teamwork, with a focus on remote and ​hybrid environments. Attendees will walk away with actionable insights to foster better communication, ​accountability, and synergy within their teams, ultimately driving stronger results. Whether your team is ​fully remote or hybrid, Asana’s data-driven approach will equip you with the tools to optimize ​collaboration in any setting.



The Four 4s Framework for Maximizing the Business ​Benefits of Flexible Working

Speaker: Laurel Farrer

Your company may be allowing flexible working, but is it benefitting from it? This presentation ​introduces Distribute Consulting's original "Four 4s Framework" for Virtual Operating Systems:

4 principles, 4 resources, 4 behaviors, and 4 success metrics that are unique to virtual-first ​collaboration, which every modern leader needs to adopt to keep their remote or hybrid team ​productive. These are the keys to preventing common risks like miscommunication and ​discrimination, and maximizing a return on your investment in flexible working.



How to Retain and Maximize Gen Z Talent

in a Remote World

Speaker: Danielle Farage

In this session, future-of-work expert Danielle Farage will explore how to not only retain but also ​maximize the productivity of Gen Z employees in remote and hybrid work environments. As the newest ​generation in the workforce, Gen Z brings unique expectations, values, and communication styles that ​can impact both engagement and performance. Danielle will share insights into what motivates Gen Z, ​how to foster a culture of accountability and growth, and practical strategies to keep them connected, ​productive, and contributing meaningfully to your company’s success. Whether managing a fully remote ​or hybrid team, this session will equip you with the tools to ensure your Gen Z employees thrive while ​delivering real results for your organization.



12:15 ​PM

We’ll have catered lunch available for all attendees. Take a break and grab some lunch ​while you connect with other remote workers and work in our pop-up coworking space.

Lunch and Coworking

Stay Visible While Virtual: How to Build Your

Exposure and Influence When Working Remotely

Speaker: Sacha Connor

Discover how to hack Distance Bias and Recency Bias in a remote work environment so that you stay top of ​mind and visible while you are virtual. Feel empowered by learning concrete tactics to build your close-in ​and distant networks when you can’t rely on bumping into to your stakeholders at the water cooler or in the ​office hallways. Take action by completing a 5-step exercise to create your Personal Virtual Exposure and ​Influence Plan that will enable you to accomplish your business objectives and advance your career goals ​while working across distance.



90-min workshop

Building Async Muscles: How to improve collaboration ​and connection and tame the meetings monster

Speaker: Brian Elliott

When you're part of a team, time for deep work when you're at your best can be hard to find. ​Blending time for collaboration with your team with heads-down focus time has huge upsides, but ​also real challenges when it comes to meetings-driven cultures and risks for remote workers being ​"forgotten" in an increasingly hybrid world. Brian will share best practices rooted in real-world ​examples and research on how individuals and teams can blend "sync" and "async" work in ways that ​improve collaboration, productivity and wellbeing. This session will get into tactics that help ​individuals and teams be in the flow without being in the room, get control over meetings running ​wild on calendars, build "async" muscles: get more document-driven one step at a time, and create ​cultures and norms that enable boundaries and improve communication.



4 PM

Wrap up the day with us and make connections as we celebrate all of the remote workers ​in Tulsa and toast to the future of work!

Closing Remarks and happy hour

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